Formerly Scott's Cheap Flights

How Going Works

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Let the best flights find you

Traveler drinking some water

Start with your airport.

Choose US departure airports like your biggest airport, closest airport, and maybe even your parent’s.

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Watch the deals roll in.

We keep a close eye on airfare to over 900 destinations around the world. When the prices drop, you know.

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Then book it.

With flight details, booking links, and timeline estimates, all that’s left for you is to say, “Let’s go!”

Real deals members booked

Compare memberships

There's a plan for every traveler.


Limited gives you a feel for deals, but you might miss out on the best one

Always free

Upgrade to get more out of Going


Save thousands on high-class fares


Try Free

Free 14-day trial & cancel anytime

Deal frequency



Deal speed

1-2 days later

First to know


Economy Class


Premium Economy

Business Class

First Class

International deals

Domestic Deals

Hawaii & Alaska Deals

Weekend Getaways

Mistake Fares from your airports

Mistake Fares from all US airports

Control the types of deals we send you

Points and miles deal alerts

Priority support



There's a plan for every traveler.


Limited gives you a feel for deals, but you might miss out on the best one

Deal frequency


Deal speed

1-2 days later


Economy Class

International deals

Save hundreds on economy fares

Deal frequency


Deal speed

First to know


Economy Class

International deals
Domestic Deals
Hawaii & Alaska Deals
Weekend Getaways
Mistake Fares from your airports

Save thousands on high-class fares

Deal frequency


Deal speed

First to know



Premium Economy

Business Class

First Class

International deals
Domestic Deals
Hawaii & Alaska Deals
Weekend Getaways
Mistake Fares from your airports
Mistake Fares from all US airports
Control the types of deals we send you
Points and miles deal alerts
Priority support

How to plan around a
great deal

The best destination is the one that surprises you. Instead of asking where you want to go, let the deals lead the way. You’ll be amazed by how much further you go—and how much money you save. Go where you never thought possible. Go without breaking the bank. Just get Going.
man playing the piano
The best destination is the one that surprises you. Instead of asking where you want to go, let the deals lead the way. You’ll be amazed by how much further you go—and how much money you save. Go where you never thought possible. Go without breaking the bank. Just get Going.
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Got questions?
Read on.

Are you a travel agency or a booking agent?
No, Going is not a travel agency, flight search engine, or travel booking site. Instead, we find deals departing from your chosen US airports and send you an alert when we find a deal that passes our Bestie Test. If you decide to snag one of those deals, we’ll show you how to book it—typically directly with the airline -- but we don’t actually sell you the tickets ourselves. By leaving the logistics to the pros, we can focus solely on finding and sharing the best deals out there.
Why should I sign up? I'm not traveling right now.
The majority of our deals are for travel in the future. For the best possible deal "book during the opposite season." If you don't have travel plans right now, but you think you might want to travel later, you'll get a better deal if you book ahead of time. Unless you like paying full price for flights, sign up for a membership today and keep your eyes peeled for deals. Premium members save an average of $550 on each international flight and $200 per domestic ticket. Elite members who book business class flights can save even more—up to $2,000 per international ticket!
What are your membership options? Can I join for free?
We have three membership tiers: Limited, Premium, and Elite.

Limited is our 100% free membership. Limited members receive a small sample selection of economy-class deals. These members can follow up to 5 departure airports.

Premium is one of our two paid memberships that starts with a trial period. Premium members not only get way more deals but also get special deals like Mistake Fares and rare deals that Limited members never see. Simply put, they get our best economy-class deals. These members can follow up to 10 airports.

Elite is our other paid membership that starts with a trial period. Elite members get everything Premium members do. Beyond that, they get even more control over the deals they receive, including the opportunity to get Mistake Fares from all over the US and the option to receive deals in premium economy, business, and first-class. These members can follow an unlimited number of departure airports.

PS. Check out our membership plans and pricing, and if you’ve never redeemed a free trial with us before, you can give Premium or Elite a whirl with our 14-day trial!
Do you search for deals departing airports worldwide?
We currently search for deals departing airports in the United States of America, including the 50 states, St. Thomas, Guam, and Puerto Rico. However, follow us on social, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates - if we go global in the future, you'll hear it there first!
Can I filter my deal emails based on my destination preferences?
Here at Going, we lean into the unexpected adventures that await on the other side of a great flight deal. This means that we send you the best deals we can find departing from your closest airport, making the destination a surprise when it lands in your inbox! It’s worth noting that our online experience has a destination search feature and endless ways to filter and explore all available deals, though those filters are not tied to your email preferences at this time.
What if I only want deals on a certain airline?
You can filter all of our deals by airline and alliance when viewing them on our website. We also call out specific airlines and alliances in our deal emails!
Are your deals for last-minute, budget airline travel? Am I going to have to book a ticket and leave for the airport an hour later?
Nope! We don’t send out deals on budget airlines with poor customer ratings. Also, none of the deals we send are only available last-minute; most deals are for travel 2-9 months in the future. Although if you are interested in cutting loose on a whim, Premium and Elite members can check out the Weekend Getaways we send their way, which are nonstop domestic and quick international flights departing within the next month. Premium and Elite deals will often also include summer, peak season, and holiday availability.
How do I use your service to book a cheap flight deal?
It's simple! When you're ready to book, you'll buy your tickets directly through the airline or an Online Travel Agency (OTA) rather than on our website. Follow our instructions and link listed in the deal we send you, pick your travel dates, and you'll be able to book that trip! For a step-by-step tutorial, here's our Help Center article on booking a Going deal.